Take part in a future scenarios workshop to explore climate impacts in Norwich & Norfolk, and ways to plan for resilience as they inevitably affect us.
21st September 2024, PM, Norwich

We are Nick Brooks (climate adaptation researcher) and Bridget McKenzie (creative climate facilitator). We invite you to participate in a future scenarios workshop to explore climate impacts in Norwich & Norfolk and ways to plan for resilience as they inevitably affect us over time. You might be a researcher, campaigner, community representative, a business owner, or in any way interested in the future safety of our area. It will be interactive and discussion-based, exploring plausible ‘what if’ scenarios that combine creative imagination with state-of-the art scientific information. You will leave better informed with some ideas for planning climate resilience in your workplace, neighbourhood or campaign. We offer this free of charge in the hope that you will give some feedback and ideas in exchange.
This event is linked to the Norwich Doughnut Group’s Film Festival, 20-22 September. The venue is the Norwich Unity Hub meanwhile space at St Augustine’s Gate.
To book, go to Eventbrite here.
To find out more before booking you can email npjbrooks@googlemail.com